Day trippin' - Leeds
Last weekend a group of 4 of us spent the day in Leeds. Leeds is such a photogenic place! I could have spent at least a couple of days there taking photo's.
Among the various places we visited we checked out the Royal Armouries Museum. This is a very cool place. The building itself was pretty cool to see. A modern building made out of glass and expose concrete in the doc area of the the canal. The whole area is recently revamped and looks great. Inside are all sort of exhibits all about war. Time was precious so we couldn't spend as much time there as we would have liked. I would highly recommend a visit here if your visiting Leeds
As I was with friends I decided to be sociable and leave the camera at home. Between you and me it was a decision I regretted. It's was killing me having to walk away from great photo after great photo.
Anyway, I did manage to snap a few photos with my iPhone despite it's quickly dying battery.
On with the show..
Spartan Helmet in the awesome Royal Armouries Museum
Quick n dirty street shot walking to the museum
Canal Boat on Leeds-Liverpool Cannal
Iron man - Part of a special Superhero's and Villans exhibit
Thanks for reading guy's