#Streetphoto week 3/7 - Fish Dog Roll
Plans are afoot!
Yesterday I reported on a failed attempt at a microadventure. Good news we have a window of opportunity to salvage July's section of the challenge. I don't want to give away any details yet but I'm hoping for the location to be coastal, so I can tick off one i've never done! If we can pull it off keep an eye on the blog as I might make a post out of the trip. Also for the snapchat friendly crew follow ThatGraham and you might see a raw unedited view of what we get up to tonight (signal dependant)
Photo of the day - Fish Dog Roll
Blackpool, UK
This one was shot at one of the many fine fast food establishments along the prom. He knew that I was taking a photo of him but he didn't seem to care. The smell made me hungry for a chip butty, I resisted.
Thanks for looking